PSY 101 Grade Scale
Your grade in the course is computed by taking your unit test scores and adding your total InQuizitive grade to it and total ZAPS grade. The unit test scores combined are worth 85% of your total grade, your InQuizitive grade is worth 10% of the total, and ZAPS is worth 5% of the total grade for this course. This is then converted into a letter grade as follows:
- 91% and up: A
- 87%-90%: A-
- 83%-86%: B+
- 80%-82%: B
- 77%-79%: B-
- 73%-76%: C+
- 70%-72%: C
- 67%-69%: C-
- 63%-66%: D+
- 60%-62%: D
- 57%-59%: D-
- Below 57%: F
Refer to your syllabus for details.
To View Your Grades
Your grades are in BrightSpace, but you must be in the PSY-101 Testing Center section of BrightSpace to click "Grades" and see them. There is no accurate grade-to-date field in, so you have to use the row labeled "Tests Running Total." You have to divide the score shown in Tests Running Total by the number of modules you have completed. For example, if Tests Running Total shows 180 after 2 units, your test grade is 90% (180/2 = 90). Your test grade will then be multiplied by .85 (85%) and the final InQuizitive and ZAPS grades will be added in after being multiplied by .1 (10% for InQuiz) and 0.5 (5% for ZAPS).